
Saturday, May 7, 2011

Making the V11 in Zombie Useful

Most of you out there think that the V11 was a wasted . But it is not  if it is pack punch it can make Georg go away for two rounds. Also it can save your life over and over again. Like  If you are  being surround by zombies  you shoot one and watch them all chase him giving you time to get to  away. Also if your playing on line and  one of your team mates have it then they can shoot you with and the Zombie will not attack you  and tell the effect wares off. I recommend using the V11 on line with team mates more then if you are playing solo, because if you are playing solo then it is not so useful. You would be better off using another gun. But when playing online it is always good to  have one person on you team have it that way you have more option and will last longer in the game. If used right.

The V11 is actually a really good power weapon if you know what it can do. Quick review. V11 can turn zombie into business man and they will lead the rest of the zombie away. If you shoot a team mate with it they well be able to walk past zombie with out get  attacked. Final when pack a punch it  can be used to take Georg off you hand for a round or two.