
Friday, May 6, 2011

Drunk gaming made by Alli from CTFXC

The reason why I'm posting  about Drunk gaming is because I'm not sure if it is a good thing or bad.When I first found out that Alli was making  gaming videos and that they where not going to be like any other gaming vids out their today I was looking forward. I really could not wait to see what her and her brother where going to do. When I start to think about I thought that they would like play the game then try to do something in real life that would be like what they did in the game. But then when the first video was released I not sure what to think about them at all.

Do not get me wrong they are fun to watch and interesting.But it the whole fact that it is kinda promoting drinking. Even tho they say that they are  not. They really are. You got to think about who would be watching these videos and who watches gaming videos. Most people who watch gaming video are most likely between the ages of 10 to 18. Yes I know there is  big number of older people who watch gaming videos which is great. But the fact still remains that alot of younger gamers well be watching these videos. No not every young gamer that watch Drunk gaming is going to go try it. That  is not what I'm saying. But there will be those young gamers out there, that will watch and  say to them self that looks like fun I should go do or try that with my friends.

If you think like that you can see my point. I'm not saying get ride of them or anything. I just would like to see some sort of warning before the video's that way parents  will know what their child is about to watch. Even if at the end if they came on and said that drinking under age or something is bad and you should not do it. Yes I know that still is not going to stop the young gamers or young people from watching them. But it just meted be enuf to stop them from drinking before they should. It also makes them look more responsible too.

That just my thought.Anyway I did like Drunk gaming. It was really funny and creative.Keep them coming just try to add some warnings or something in that way bunch of kids do not go and try it.