
Friday, May 6, 2011

Call of the Dead : Black ops new zombie map: How to live.

I have been playing alot of the new black ops zombie map : call of the dead. And I think I know how to live  as longer. So first off the best way to play any Zombies map is to play with 3 other friends. I guess you could play with randoms too, but I would think it would be funner and easier to play with people you know.

So here I go. Remember not to  shoot  George A.Romero, if you are not sure who he is.Well he is the big Zombie that  come out of the water at the start of the game. If you shoot him he goes on a rampage and will chase you around and kill you . If some  shoots every one or just the person he picks to chase  has to run into the water  to clam him down.Another thing about the water is it is very cold and if you stay into the water  for too long you will freeze. 

Now that we got some of the smaller things out of the way. I recommend  to not open up any of the boat for 5 or 6 rounds.If you have 4 players that are  good at the game  you should  be able to hold the zombie  for about 5 or 6 rounds. Me and my friends are able to last for 5 rounds most of the time just using are hand guns, depending or what power ups drop. Like if max ammo drops or instant kill then you should be fine there for a bit.When a instant kill drops stop shooting and start knifing only shoot if you hafted too.So when you are holding at the start split up and in to two and each take a side of the  starting area.If you every feel like you need to get out of there open up the boat going to the big boat not the one going to light house. Also right off the start of the game  look into the sky  and look for the big bluish light because that is where the box will be.

After opening up towards to boat every one should buy the SMG on the wall right beside the stairs on the boat.Then try to hold out on the first level of the boat for  as long as you can maybe a round or two. Then open up to the top and have every one run up to the top of the boat with  you. If the box   is on the second level of the boat. then make a crawl and use the box. But first go the top of the boat and turn on the power. Just follow the arrows on the wall if you are not sure where to go. If you do not know what a crawler is, well it is when you take out the legs of the zombie by throwing a grenade at it. Then let i follow you around.So like I was saying use the box but do not over use it. You well need around 2750 points to open up the doors in the next 2 rounds. you will also need  2500 each to but juggernaut. Which is a must have to live  past live 13 in this game.Oh ya and why you have the crawler you should Shoot George A.Romero and all run into the water where you started that way he has to walk as slow ass all the way back. you should do this  when ever you get a chance too.

Before killing the crawl you made you should all gather at the next door.Which is on the level one of the boat on the far side. It leads to the second haft of the boat.So once you are all there kill the crawler. If the box was not on the 2 level them skip the last steps and start with gathering at the door to the second  haft after turning on the power.Hold here for a bit as soon as you and your team feel like shit we are fucked open  up the door and  jump across.Now be careful zombies well come from every where if you are out of ammo run to the  far left side of the boat at the  back and there will be gun  on wall  just before the stairs. Watch out zombie will come up the stairs. As soon as this round is dieing down have every one run down the stairs and go into the first door on your left and open up the door in there.Just make sure every one has around 2500 points after opening the door . It would not hurt if some one had 3500 points that way they could open the next door up.

Have every one  run  into the room you just open and go across the water and up the stairs on the far side which is where you well find juggernaut. After every one has got finish up the round and start the next one. Hold in the room  and  till you  are almost fuck then have some one with 1000 points open the door up the staris next to juggernaut also keep a look out for George A.Romero.Your next goal well be trying to get the light house. 

At this point every one should be running low on points so  make a crawler and run back down through juggernaut and  up the stairs  to where you first jump on too this haft of the boat. Remember  to stick into twos and have every one close to each other.Now go to the  little ramp thing you jump off  to get onto the boat and jump down blow it this pathway will lead back to the starting.If you have enuff point you might want to be quick revive at this time but  that just  a thought. make sure some one as 750 points to open the  other boat  that leads into the cave up to the light house. head up to the light house. Kill you crawler after making sure George A.Romero is far away. now fight off the next wave of  zombies. Watch out they will come from all around you well you are fighting them off head down the stairs into the building your  are on top of and then down the stairs in side that building and open up the door to the inside of the light house. Now open all the way up to the top. The top of the light house is  the best stop to hold off the  on coming zombies. Keep two people on the stairs and then have the other two cover the windows at the top of the light house.You have the zip line to make a quick get away if you hafted too.The best guns to use is a light machine gun  of the ray gun to hold the  zombie back one the stairs. So if you do not have those  go fine the box and try to get them.Make sure to keep telling every one whats going on that is key to doing well in the zombie maps. So now just keep using the top of the light house and see how long you can lasted.

Remember to use pack punch which will spawns in different spots all over the map . To find just look up the light house and follow the light to the pack punch.So that is my tips  on how to live for many many rounds on the call of the dead map.

Just mack a crawler when you need some time to get shit also keep George A.Romero as far away as you can and do not shoot him or he will rage on you.They add George to the game to stop us from camping in spots and to mack the game harder for us and they did.If you must  open up the doors to get away. There no use to keep them there since George A.Romero is chasing you around. And use the new V11 to help you out. Quick last tip if you pack punch the v11 and shoot George A.Romero with it in the water  he well go away for a bite. But not for every. Remember just to have fun and keep trying new thing. Also look around for all the little thing that  they have add to   map and just play with different things. Yaa that just sounds wrong. Anyway keep checking back for more post about the new Black Ops maps and even more tips. 

Ps. Remeber to pick other perks that are all over the map to help make your life easier.Also  remember to  hop across the water  so you do freeze init.