
Monday, October 10, 2011

League Of Legends Dominion

I know that the game Dominion for LOL as most likely been out for a little bit by now. But I have not been [laying LOL or any game for the last mouth or so.So I did not know that it was out. Today I jump onto the game  to see that the game mode Dominion had been released and I was so happy to see that it was out. So I jump onto it and played a game or two. Oh my god the game was so fun. You start off has lvl 3 and the game is so much more fast paced then the other game mode is.

LOL seems to way more balanced.Now then it every was before.I'm falling in love with the game all over again. I will be posting a video of it up to TGN by the end of this mouth, If you have not seen my first TGN video plz follow this link and give me all you support.

If you have not heard about are new club of sorts.Well here it is. It's a movie and Tv show club. We will be picking one movie and one TV show a week and you guys can send in you thoughts by the end week and we well be putting a posted of your and our reviews. If you want more info plz feel free to go back through our post   and look at the post about the club.