
Monday, September 26, 2011

Two and haft men with out Charlie Sheen

One of the number one question on everyone mind is that, Is Two and Haft Men any good with out Charlie Sheen?

Here my answer. But keep in mind this is what I think about  you met not feel the same way about this. As you all must know Ashton Kutcher has taken over  for Charlie Sheen in the sit-com Two and Haft Men. No he playing the brother like Charlie did. They have kill Charlie off in the show and now Ashton has bought his old house.

Now that the basic are out of the way. First off I do not like the whole way the show killed off Charlie.I just did not seem right. They made fun of him in way that makes fun of the actually Charlie Sheen.Which is just not right at all. I think that they should have said he was killed in car crash and had a nice funeral for him. An leafed it at that.Then they Ashton character play the role in the role has Charlie did in way. He  dose have some differences,but they are hard to see.

I guess I could but it this way Ashton is not a bad actor in anyway. If he had been in the show from the started.Instead of Charlie then he would fit in perfectly. But he did not. I find my self  think  where is Charlie  every single episode. It just seem that something is missing  now. I do not know.

At this point it hard to say if the show will make or fail. There has only been two episode so far. Also every episode seem to be getting a little better, but then there is that overwhelming feeling that there is something missing.

Well that all I got to say about this so far.