
Saturday, September 17, 2011

College first time what to do.

So if you do not know,as most of you most likely do not. I'm in my very first year of College and this what I think about it.Well I was in program called Mechanical Engineering Technology  and that was not going so well. I felt like I did not fit/belong in that program. Now you might be think that it was just to heard for me or something. But no it was not too heard. I just felt sick every day I got  up to go to school  and I did not like what I was doing. So after about 4 day I made the choice to look into switching over to  a program that I thought I would like more.

I did make a switch and now when I look up at the clock  I go fuck class is going done to be in 6 minutes. Instead of  looking up and going fuck there's 1hour and haft left in class. The program I was in before the switch was more theory then anything and I like to get in there and get my hand dirty. Now I'm in a program that is more hands on then anything.I'm going to became a Millwright or Heavy Duty Machine. Well the program is for Millwrights. It is two years and after your done it all your in school for a Millwright. Which means all you haft to do is go work for someone and get your hours  and write a exam and then your a full Millwright.

Now you might be saying fuck your taking a pay cut. A Mechanical Eng Technology person would make a lot more. Well yes they might, but Millwright still make a lot of money too and why do a job that I would not like. When I could do something  that I like  for the rest of my life.

I guess what I'm saying  in this post is that if you're  worried about making choice about what to take in college. Do not be you can always change  your program  as easier then you got into the program. Just as long as the class that you want into is not full or anything.Other then that it is easier then pie is. But there is  a date that after it you can not change programs so you got to be able to make up your mind quickly.So if you hate it right off the bat then most likely you will not like it the rest of the year, cause once your mind is made up most of the time it will not change.

Also when your high school teachers tell you will not get any help from the teachers in college  do not listen to them. In college most not all teachers well help you when you need and ask. But your High school teachers are right about one thing  college will tell you that your home works late or anything they do not care. That is your job. But if you need help with it  all you haft to do is ask even when your out class. Just send them a quick email and  ask to meet them  cause you do not get what you are doing or whatever.

The last thing I want to say is that put you school work first but do not forget to take sometime off or you will burn out every quick and then end up failing or dropping out or doing rally bad in you class. So  take sometime off for your self.

Now that this post meet make no sense at all but I hope it  help some one out there.