
Monday, February 20, 2012

Star wars Epsode 1 3D, Yes or No

So the question on every one minds is that is Star wars 3D worth our time and money. Well it a easy and no. It is the exact same movie as before so it is nothing that you have not seen before. But it dose give the chance for the young ones to see the movie, on the big screen. the 3D add a cool new look to the movie but it nothing to shit your self over. I hefted to say it is nice to see on the big screen if you have not seen to movie in while.

All in all  if your a big Star wars fan you should go see it , but if you just think the movie where ok then there no point, the movie is the exact same, nothing new. It is more of money grab then anything.The movie was not made for 3D so there is not actual a lot of it in the movie, it can mostly be watch with out the 3D glass on.