
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

How to deal with a shitty summer Job:)

So you find your self working a shitty summer job,  now how to make this job better. The first things first let me tell you a little bit about my self and my shitty summer job, So my name is Joe, Im a 20 year old college student. I have a girlfriend and I still live at home. I'm lazy when it comes to jobs that I hate. So right now I'm working at factory for the summer. This job has the longest hours and the work is back breaking. But there are some ups the coworks on my line are nice and most weeks I  end up with 3 days off which is nice.

Now on to some more of what makes this job shit, well its really hot in the plant. Your on your feet 12 to 14 hrs a day up to 60 hrs a week. I have found it every hard to spend time with my family, friends and girl friend due to the fact that Im so tried when it day off. It also is very boring  at work too. The factory is also shift work which is not that bad but  the weeks that Im on nights I end not seeing anyone cuase when Im off too work they are all on their way home. Also it kinda makes you gurmpy on weekends and now one wants to be around that.

How do I get around all this and make the best of this shitty job?

1. I try not to think to much about the job it just a summer job not what  I will doing for the rest of my life.
2. I do not let the boss get to me, if they get mad at me I kinda start to laugh in side cause Im only there for the summer.
**** At this point I just want to say some of this tips will not work for you, if you need the money then some of these tips I would not use, I'm in spot that I have saved engouh money in the past to pay for my schooling and I will have paid co-op next summer and then a year of it shortly after that, I also work a pettery good paying and fun job through the winter.*******
3. My work gives ten unpaid sick days so why waste them, use them when you need some time, try not to use all of them cuase if you get sick you well be out of luck then.
4. I do not really need or care about my summer job it just some nice spending money, so I try not to do a lot of  work at work I do my job then go home.
5.Try not to look at the clock to much this just makes time go slower.
6. Try to think about something that makes you happy like plans for your days off ect...
7. Do not let anyone  bug you at work you have the same rights as them.
8. Try to make friends that will help the time go by and you will have some that will watch your back for you.
9. Do not bring your work home it just a summer job.
10. Do not bitch about your work to everyone cause then you seem like a pussy.
11. If the job is to much for you do not be afaried to talk to your boss and if comes do to it quiet the job it not going ruin your life.
12. Remember alot of summer students are treat better then most full timers so just have fun and be safe this is your summer , your time off school to make money and have fun and relax so your all ready for school in the fall, so do not let a summer job stress you out.

I  hope that you find these tips help full. Remember life is short, so live your life and stop worrying about the small things, be happy.