
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Skyrim: Is wroth the money ?

So is Skyrim wroth the money? Yes I would say that it is wroth the money and more. Skyrim is one of those game where if you have something you need to do, then you better set a alarm before you start playing, or you will never get off the game in time. When you are playing 4 hr can easily feel like 1 hr. You will be able to wasted a day with this game in no time. There is  ton of hr worth of game play in this game. There is so much that you can do in the game.

Skyrim has two many story lines that you can follow at the same time. In the one you will fight the dragon, and in the other is where chose sides, between the storm clocks and the empire. With both these main story line you play for hr on end alone. Then their is all the side quest that you take if you want.

Also all the different kinds of characters are mind blowing.There is many that you combine all the different skills to play the way that you want to.

And lets not forget the game looks sick. It is bright and colorful, but can be dark and gloomy if the story calls for it.There are some glitches with them that can piss you off at times.But I'm hoping that they will fix sometime soon.

In Skyrim you play the last of the dragon born. The only one who can kill dragon and can keep them dead for ever and ever. LOL. You well play thorugh the game trying to find out  what you story was and building a new one . This game game brings you in nice and tight and never lets you go.

Skyrim is easily one of the top 3 games of this year.If you get for the pc it will most likely look better. Well that is if your Pc can run the game.It is not light on the system, but it is not that harder either.There will be more on Slyrim coming up in the next week. There will be some tips and tricks, and everything in between.Also if you have not go check cdngameguides on youtube. There are two video up of Sykrim right now and there is going to be a ton more in the close future.