
Sunday, September 28, 2014

New Youtube channel for networking, coding, website design, digital system and more guides

Have you every found your self searching for hours just to find a guide on how to do something or  how something works. Like what is rip or ping. And after your search you come to some guy that you can hardly understand. Will all that is about to come to a end with in the next couple of months we will be lunching a Youtube channel filled with tons of info on everything from networking to digital system.  Keep checking back for updates. 

Friday, August 8, 2014

How to count in binary/ convert dinary to decimal

You might think counting in binary is hard but its not. Like first talk about what binary is. Binary is a number system that just use a 1 or 0 this can also be called on or off. All computer run using binary so if you think about all your computer is doing right now is turning off and on a lot, it also used in networking a lot.

Now let move on to how to count using binary. What do you need to know to get started. Well binary has a base of two where decimal has base of 10. You also need to know that in binary we actual count the zero. So lets get start.

When counting in binary we only count where this is a 1. each position has a value by that I mean the first position is 2^0 the next is 2^1 and so on. But we need to keep in mind that unlike reading where we go left to right, when counting binary we go right to left( this is the hard part you will find your self a lot of the time going left to right).  To count we need to find all the value for the position where there is a one then add them all up together like the following example:

1    |1    |1     |1
2^3|2^2|2^1|2^0 =15  (1+2+4+8 = 15)

1    |0    |0     |1
2^3|2^2|2^1|2^0 =9  (1+8 =9)

0 = 0
1= 1
2= 10
3 = 11
255= 11111111
So lets go through an example where we are given some binary number and need it in decimal form:


Our first step would be to find the values of the position where there are ones


Now we can add them all together


 As you see it is not hard to count in binary it actually easy. If you are still have trouble with counting and changing it to decimal. I will be having a video put in the next week that will help. Just don't give keep trying and you will get it.

Some upcoming post to keep your eye out for will be networking 101, How to convert to hex and Digital system 101.

Big News:

I plan on developing some labs and course around binary and  much more. All the labs you will be able to do at home. ( Keep in mind you may need to buy parts to do them but we will be building everything need at a low cost)

Is it worth becoming a Computer tech

With the world of computer always changing  and growing around us you find your self asking if worth it  to start working on them for a living. Well my answer is it's not worth just to become a basic  computer tech. Becoming a computer tech is not hard at all and usually dose not  pay that well. Becoming a admin or a more advance computer tech is worth it . Now you might be asking why will the simple fact is a basic computer tech can just a little more then what most user can do at home on their own. On the other hand there are a lot jobs in the computer field jobs in networking, servers, programing and more that are worth it.

Now keep in mind if you are looking for a easy job then keep looking the world of computers is very hard and stressful job to deal with it but every awarding. The one thing that you can never stop doing in this felid would be to stop learning because know one in this field can know everything there just way to much to know.

Now when picking what job you want to do in the computer field and where you want to work can be hard. I myself got lucky and  work for a small company that dose everything. We work on servers, networks, computers, we  are aspect to be able to handle anything that comes are way. Which is really stressful at times, but when you learn how to router a network or you solve a problem that was difficult then it all worth it. To work with computers you should be able to think logically, be able to solve problems on the fly, good with math and able to learn quickly. Oh and you will need good communication  skills. You might be asking yourself why communication, well being a computer tech of any level  you will need to be able to talk to your costumer and document your findings too. Computer tech just don't sit in the dark corner  of the offices waiting for computers to fix.

If you still think this job might before you then start looking at schools find a school with a good computer program. After school find a job in the field. Now it time to work on your certifications. There are many different certifications you can get depending one what you want to do. So take come time and look them up and start getting those. They will really help you get your foot in the door.

Remember that as computer tech you will need to know more then just computers. The company that you work for will most likely have you fix anything that has power going to it. So be ready to think on your feet. Also one thing to keep in mind when deciding is that you might not work 9-5 and you could be called in at all hours of the night if anything happens. Also you haft to be able to deal with pissed off people.

With all that said I would not change my job for any other job.  I love learning new things and the feel you get at the end of the day when you defeated that computer or network that just would not work. My finally words of advice is to forget about money and find a job that makes you happy to go to work every day and dose not fully suck all the life out of you.

The Expendables 3: perview

The Expendables has been I great set of movie, they are one the few movies that I can watch over and over again. They are just action packed masterpiece and top of that with every new movie they just keep adding more and more of my fav action movie stars.  The Expendables 3 seems like it is not going disappoint. The cast for Expendables is top notch Sylvester Stallone, Weseley Snipes, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jason Statham, Harrison Ford, Ronda Rousey, Jet Li, Dolph Lundgren, Antonio Banderas and  with the addition of Mel Gibson easily one of my top 5 favorite action actors of all time. I cant wait to see Barney and his time take down Conrad Stonebanks. I would say more about the plot but I would rather just like this trailer do the talking for me. Check back after the 15 of August for a full review of the movie.


What's comeing.

Good news I'm starting this blog up again a long with the YouTube channel cdn game guides and I will also be starting a new YouTube channel to teach about different tech things. Such as programming, Servers, networking, computers, Digital systems , Electronic design and much more. I'm hoping to be getting help from some friends too. I will also most likely be starting a blog in the future and hopefully some other top secret  task too!!. Please check back for new content every week I will also be coming up with some sort of schedule for everything soon too.

Online Gambling is it worth or not

In todays world with the thrill of gambling at the tips of your fingerings almost anywhere now, thanks to the ever evolving  internet. It hard not to spend some of that hard earned money on the chance that it just might become a lot of cash in seconds. But is all really worth the risk that come with it.

I think that some gambling is ok. But you haft to really be able to set limits for your self and know when to walk away, or else you could end up with any empty bank account and bills and food to buy and the chance of winning big is not worth losing everything that you worked hard for. If you are the kind person that just seems to take everything over board then do not go anywhere near gambling at all. Or you might just wake up one morning and wonder where everything went. All your friends money and your house. I am that kind of person and that's why I stay away form it as much as I can. When I start gambling I find that I'm always chasing the high you get from winning. But I always come out losing because of that.

The other day I was trying my hand at some online gambling again and I start to think that it funny how I always win for a bit then out of know where I start losing. Which made start thinking about how easy it would be to program the game I was playing to  let you win and then take all your money. It just math and all takes is changing some of the numbers in the program and the house will always come out on top in the end. Keep in mind I'm not saying that this is actually done. I'm just saying that it would not be hard to actually do.

I have gamble but luckily I stopped my self before I got in too deep. I stopped after getting engaged. I start to think why I'm wasting all this money I never win it back and even when I win it not enough to cover my losses  and then there's the time that it takes I spending hours on end at my computer just so I could feel the high of maybe winning some money.

So I have decide not gamble anymore I would rather. Use my money to take my woman out, or buy something I really want. It not worth the risk. I would rather work hard and make something of my self and then try to when big at gambling. Now I'm not saying I would not be happy if I did, I just do not think that it worth the risk there's to many unknowns in it.   The following is list of step that has helped me step away form  online gambling.

1. Start going out with your friends more (as long as they are not going to Gambling)
2. Find a hobbies that you can put time into
3. Spend more time with family
4.Start trying to better your self
5.Find your self( get to know your self better)
6.Watch movies
7. find a sport to play.

There are a lot more ways to help you but these are the main ones that I have found that have helped me a lot to break the chains of gambling.

I know that post was kind of off topic but I want to share some of my life with you.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

How to deal with a shitty summer Job:)

So you find your self working a shitty summer job,  now how to make this job better. The first things first let me tell you a little bit about my self and my shitty summer job, So my name is Joe, Im a 20 year old college student. I have a girlfriend and I still live at home. I'm lazy when it comes to jobs that I hate. So right now I'm working at factory for the summer. This job has the longest hours and the work is back breaking. But there are some ups the coworks on my line are nice and most weeks I  end up with 3 days off which is nice.

Now on to some more of what makes this job shit, well its really hot in the plant. Your on your feet 12 to 14 hrs a day up to 60 hrs a week. I have found it every hard to spend time with my family, friends and girl friend due to the fact that Im so tried when it day off. It also is very boring  at work too. The factory is also shift work which is not that bad but  the weeks that Im on nights I end not seeing anyone cuase when Im off too work they are all on their way home. Also it kinda makes you gurmpy on weekends and now one wants to be around that.

How do I get around all this and make the best of this shitty job?

1. I try not to think to much about the job it just a summer job not what  I will doing for the rest of my life.
2. I do not let the boss get to me, if they get mad at me I kinda start to laugh in side cause Im only there for the summer.
**** At this point I just want to say some of this tips will not work for you, if you need the money then some of these tips I would not use, I'm in spot that I have saved engouh money in the past to pay for my schooling and I will have paid co-op next summer and then a year of it shortly after that, I also work a pettery good paying and fun job through the winter.*******
3. My work gives ten unpaid sick days so why waste them, use them when you need some time, try not to use all of them cuase if you get sick you well be out of luck then.
4. I do not really need or care about my summer job it just some nice spending money, so I try not to do a lot of  work at work I do my job then go home.
5.Try not to look at the clock to much this just makes time go slower.
6. Try to think about something that makes you happy like plans for your days off ect...
7. Do not let anyone  bug you at work you have the same rights as them.
8. Try to make friends that will help the time go by and you will have some that will watch your back for you.
9. Do not bring your work home it just a summer job.
10. Do not bitch about your work to everyone cause then you seem like a pussy.
11. If the job is to much for you do not be afaried to talk to your boss and if comes do to it quiet the job it not going ruin your life.
12. Remember alot of summer students are treat better then most full timers so just have fun and be safe this is your summer , your time off school to make money and have fun and relax so your all ready for school in the fall, so do not let a summer job stress you out.

I  hope that you find these tips help full. Remember life is short, so live your life and stop worrying about the small things, be happy.

Hutch is back.

That is right all you gamer's out there. Hutch is back on youtube. Hutch left youtube over a mouth ago without really saying why. But in his new video Hutch announces  his return to youtube and also tells why he left in the first place. I have full respected for his story and I'm happy that he has made the choice to return to youtube.I must say when I say his return video for the first time and he talk about the last 4  mouth, I could not believe that he had been gone for so long.It seemed just like a week ago I watch the goodbye hutch video. But I'm glad to welcome on the king of youtube back and can not wait to see some of his videos.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Django Unchained

Django Unchained sum up in two words bad ass. Thats is right this movie is bad ass. It has the over the top gun shot effects and gun shoot out scene. It got a well laid out story line, with only some small flaws through out the movie.
Django is played by Jamie foxx. Jamie was the perfect choice for the role of Django. He work perfectly with Christoph waltz, as the heroes of the movie. Both Jamie and Christoph play bounty hunters, Django is a slave that Christoph character. I found that most of actors work well together and fit the movie without and issue. The only actor that I thought did not fit   Samuel L. Jackson. 

Do not get me wrong I like Samuel L. Jackson but he just did not fit in to this movie at all. He seemed like he was trying to hard and just seemed out of place. 

This movie is shot so that is it give the feeling that it is an older movie then it is. This movie is about 2.5 hr long. But it only feel like an 1 at most. Django Unchained is action packed western mixed with enough over the top comedy to add some good contrast to the movie.

This movie is a must see for any westerner movie lover. The ending could have been alot better. The movie was great right up till the end which is kinds hurts the replay/ rewatch rating of the movie.

I give this movie 8.9/10

This movie is a must see if you have not seen the movie yet. This movie is a great movie. If you do not like blood this movie might not be the right movie for you.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Dose Hollywood Need some new ideas?

Is it just me, or is Hollywood running out of ideas for their big blockbusters. It is becoming hard and hard, for me to sit through a whole movie from start to end. After watching most movie for about ten minutes, I find that I'm able to tell what is going to happen for the rest of the movie. Not all the little details, but the overview of the movie.All movie are starting to look the same.I think that haft the problem is that  most of the movie of same genres. Like all the action pack movies that are being released right now.I know that Hollywood analyse the world and base their next movie on their finding.But I think that leads to alot of the same movie being released at the same time.

But we should not just hate on Hollywood that have been at this for along time and it must be hard not to fall back on plot lines of older movies of the same genre. But the sad fact is it leads to us as viewers being able to see the movie unfold, by watching the first couple of minutes. Which just means Hollywood has to start adding alot of twist and turns into the movie to keep movie entertaining for us viewers.