
Sunday, January 20, 2013

Django Unchained

Django Unchained sum up in two words bad ass. Thats is right this movie is bad ass. It has the over the top gun shot effects and gun shoot out scene. It got a well laid out story line, with only some small flaws through out the movie.
Django is played by Jamie foxx. Jamie was the perfect choice for the role of Django. He work perfectly with Christoph waltz, as the heroes of the movie. Both Jamie and Christoph play bounty hunters, Django is a slave that Christoph character. I found that most of actors work well together and fit the movie without and issue. The only actor that I thought did not fit   Samuel L. Jackson. 

Do not get me wrong I like Samuel L. Jackson but he just did not fit in to this movie at all. He seemed like he was trying to hard and just seemed out of place. 

This movie is shot so that is it give the feeling that it is an older movie then it is. This movie is about 2.5 hr long. But it only feel like an 1 at most. Django Unchained is action packed western mixed with enough over the top comedy to add some good contrast to the movie.

This movie is a must see for any westerner movie lover. The ending could have been alot better. The movie was great right up till the end which is kinds hurts the replay/ rewatch rating of the movie.

I give this movie 8.9/10

This movie is a must see if you have not seen the movie yet. This movie is a great movie. If you do not like blood this movie might not be the right movie for you.